Employees First Time Logging In

Read through or print these instructions.

  1. Please enter your desired User Name (must be a minimum of 6 characters, only use lowercase letters and numbers).
  2. Enter your First Name and Last Name as they were provided to your employer at enrollment.
  3. Provide an Email Address.
  4. Enter a password meeting the minimum security requirements. Please do not use your name within your password.
  5. Your Employee ID is your social security number (no spaces or hypens)
  6. For Registration ID, select Employer ID and enter ABGNFP.
  7. Check the Accept the Terms of Service check box.
  8. Click Register.
  9. You will now be take though the secure authentication process.

Keep a record of your Username and Password and answers to security questions for future use.

If you need assistance, call 800-499-3539 or email support@amben.com.

Click here to register your new user account.

Employers First Time Logging In

Please contact us for your login information.