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Affordable Care Act Changes for Flexible Spending Accounts

On Friday, September 13, 2013 Treasury published Notice 2013-54 (Notice) which preserves all Health Flexible Spending Accounts (health FSAs) that are considered excepted benefits but eliminates an employer’s ability to use a stand-alone health FSA or other tax-favored arrangements, including Premium Reimbursement Arrangements or Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs), to help employees pay for individual health policies on a tax-free basis. In addition, the Notice addresses a number of specific topics related to FSAs and HRAs. As such, this Alert is the second of two.

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Introducing the WealthCare Integrated HSA Solution

Health Savings Accounts are an integral component of the Consumer Directed HealthCare strategy. As HSAs gain mainstream acceptance in the marketplace it’s imperative that employers adopt an HSA solution that integrates with their core benefits offerings. Maintaining separation between the HSA and the underlying HDHP health plan will help avoid unnecessary disruption when the inevitable change of medical carrier occurs.

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Important Affordable Care Act Deadline: Employee Notices of the Health Insurance Marketplace (Exchange) Due by October 1, 2013 (copy)

On May 8, 2013, the Employee Benefits Security Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) issued Technical Release No. 2013-02 (“Release”) providing important guidance under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (“Affordable Care Act”), with regard to the requirement that employers provide notices to their employees of the existence of the Health Insurance Marketplace (“Marketplace”), previously referred to as the “Exchange.”

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