HSA Contributions Changes and the Last Month Rule

Q. How much can an individual contribute if she’s HSA eligible all year but changes from self-only to family coverage after her May 18, 2011, wedding?

A. This individual can take one of two approaches.

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New Guidance on Group Health Insurance Coverage Informational Reporting

The IRS has issued new guidance to clarify how employers and benefit plan administrators will need to meet Form W2 health benefit cost reporting requirements, including the treatment of FSAs, HRAs, EAPs and wellness programs, and supplemental coverage.

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US Appeals Court Rules Health-Care Law Is Constitutional

By Brent Kendall

WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)–A federal appeals court in Washington ruled Tuesday that a key piece of last year’s federal health-care overhaul is constitutional, handing the Obama administration another legal victory ahead of the Supreme Court’s likely consideration of the law.

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