Who is Eligible for New Health Insurance Premium Tax Credits?

What premium tax credits and cost-sharing subsidies are available to individuals in 2014 and who is eligible for them?

To assist individuals and families who do not qualify for Medicare or Medicaid and are not offered affordable health coverage by their employers, a refundable tax credit (the “premium tax credit”) and a cost sharing subsidy will be available beginning in 2014 to help pay for insurance purchased through an Exchange.

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Important Information Regarding the PPACA Summary of Benefits and Coverage Requirement

Group health plans, which include HRAs, MERPs, and non-excepted FSAs, must provide a Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) for all eligible plans to all eligible individuals, participants and beneficiaries.

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IRS Releases Guidance Concerning the 2013 FSA Contribution Limit

The IRS has released Notice 2012-40 which provides guidance on the effective date of the $2,500 contribution limit to health flexible spending arrangements (FSAs) under IRS Code Section 125(i) and on the deadline for amending plans to comply with the limit. The notice also provides relief for contributions that mistakenly exceed the $2,500 limit provided they are corrected in a timely manner.

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