HSA minimum deductible will rise to $2,500 family and $1,250 individual in 2013

The HSA minimum deductible, a benchmark for comparing HSAs with traditional PPO plans, will rise to $2,500 family and $1,250 individual in 2013, the first increase in the past 3 years, according to former Treasury official Roy Ramthun who makes the annual estimate using near-final government data.

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Are You Really Saving Money By Self Administering Your HRA?

Posted by RENEE KUHS, Compliance Attorney

Do you think you’re saving money by administering your health reimbursement arrangement (HRA)?  In our experience, many employers that self-administer an HRA often overlook important compliance obligations that put them at financial risk.  Failure to comply with the following requirements is common and can be costly.

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EBRI Study - HSA and HRA Accounts Continue Growth Trend

MyHealthGuide Source: Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), 1/2012, EBRI New Release and EBRI Full Text Brief with Charts.

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