Restoration of OTC expenses for FSA, HRA and HSA gains momentum

This morning a long front-page article in the Wall Street Journal attacks the adverse impact of PPACA restrictions on OTC purchases by FSAs, coming just as several bills are introduced in House and Senate to fix CDH accounts.

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Educating Clients and Employees Is the Key To HSA Sales

Savvy brokers understand that health savings accounts can not only offer clients substantial savings on health insurance premiums, but also triple tax advantages and help clients save for health care and other expenses in retirement. The key is to educate your clients to think in this way.

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Obama Offers States More Flexibility in IMplementing Health Care Reform Law

March 1, 2011 - By Amy Goldstein and Dan Balz
Washington Post Staff Writers

President Obama sought to defuse criticism of the new health-care overhaul Monday by saying he is willing to give states an earlier opportunity to opt out of certain key requirements – but only if they can find their own ways to accomplish the law’s goals.

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