SIMPLE Cafeteria Plans Provide a "Safe Harbor" from Non-discrimination Testing.

The good news is that the new SIMPLE cafeteria plan regulations provide for a "safe harbor" from non-discrimination testing requirements for small employers that allow employees to contribute to health insurance premiums on a pre-tax basis.

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New York may enact mandatory 132 Transit Benefit Program

New York State is considering similar legislation for employers with fifty or more employees to establish a qualified transportation fringe benefit program consistent with section 132 of the internal revenue code (IRS).

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IRS Releases Draft W-2 Form for 2011; Announces Relief for Employers

WASHINGTON — The IRS today issued a draft Form W-2 for 2011, which employers use to report wages and employee tax withholding. The IRS also announced that it will defer the new requirement for employers to report the cost of coverage under an employer-sponsored group health plan, making that reporting by employers optional in 2011.

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