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Walgreens joins SIGIS

Walgreens has recently announced their intention to implement the SIGIS IIAS standard by the end of the year. As you know, Walgreens has applied their own proprietary IIAS system for years and has been fully compliant with IRS requirements.

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Health Care Reform Impacts Section 125 Plans

Health Care Reform is now reality, and the new law is going to have significant impact Section 125 Plans and Pre Tax Reimbursement Accounts including Health Flexible Spending accounts (Health FSA's), Health Reimbursement accounts (HRA's) and Health Savings Accounts (HSA's).

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Recommended Preventive Services from HHS, Treasury and Labor

Submitted by Larry Grudzien
July 14, 2010

The Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor, and Treasury issued interim final regulations on July 14, 2010 requiring new plans and issuers to cover certain preventive services without any cost-sharing for the enrollee when delivered by in-network providers. The interim final regulations do not apply to grandfathered plans and issuers. This website provides links to the items and services that must be covered under this interim final regulation. It is organized by the recommending body.

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