Grandfather Health Plan Rules Are Released

Note: On June 14, Departments of Treasury, Labor and Health and Human Services released interim final regulations on the grandfather status. A complete review of these regulations will be released shortly. In the meantime, the Department of Labor has released a series of questions and answers.

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Draft Grandfather Health Plan Rules Leaked

A draft version of the interim final rule for “grandfathered” health plans was accidentally leaked last Friday when it was posted on a government web site. The draft, which is no longer on the website, was issued by the departments of the Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services. The draft was pulled down within a few hours of its accidental posting after the draft (see page 50) was reported to estimate that about 51 percent of all employer health plans will have to relinquish their grandfather status by 2013.

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Further Extensions of COBRA Premium Subsidy Look Unlikely

Posted On: Jun. 08, 2010 11:58 AM CENTRAL  by Jerry Geisel

WASHINGTON—Senate Democratic leaders unveiled a revamped tax bill Tuesday that, like a House-passed measure, omits an extension of federal COBRA premium subsidies for laid-off employees.

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