Some small employers may get healthcare tax credit in 2010

As you may know, Health Care Reform has staggered effective dates for different changes. For example, the so-called “Cadillac Plan” excise tax is not effective until 2018. There are items that will be effective much sooner. One of those changes is the small employer health insurance tax credit which is available in 2010.

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Continuing Extension Act of 2010 (HR 4581) is now law

President Obama last night (April 15) signed the Continuing Extension Act of 2010 (HR 4581).  This bill contains two basic provisions applicable to COBRA and the ARRA (the full text applicable to COBRA is copied below for your review).

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Plan Sponsors get ready for new electronic 5500 Filing Requirements

Getting Ready for EFAST2 discusses the 2009 plan year requirement to file IRS Form 5500 electronically. Plan sponsors have three options for entering data on the Form 5500 (and Schedules) and filing it electronically.

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