More Details on Health Care Reform Legislation

I am providing links to two summaries on healthcare reform. These summaries are some of the best I have seen and can be forwarded to your clients and employees.  Each was prepared by the Kaiser Family Foundation. I have found them very helpful.

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FSAs will get a two year honeymoon

The final health reform bill allows a two-year reprieve for flexible spending accounts and a $2,500 cap on annual contributions in the Senate bill that was scheduled to take effect December 31 of this year.  FSAs will now see their contributions limited starting on January 1, 2013 and the cap will be indexed to inflation starting in 2014. The final bill contains no other changes in CDH plans and never mentions HSAs.

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What Employers Need to Know Now about Health Care Reform

Summary provided by Ceridian Benefit Services

After a detailed analysis of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Ceridian has identified some key provisions that could have significant impact on all employers and employer-sponsored health benefits plans.

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